Classification First Argentina (2014)
Here you can see the classification of the First Argentina (2014) football teams, which is carried out taking into account the points obtained by each team in the different matches.
How are points obtained?
- Match won: 3 points for the winning team
- Tied game: 1 point for each team
- Lost match: 0 points for the losing team
Years ago, 2 points were distributed in total so that the winner got 2 points and in case of a tie each team got one point, but said points system was modified to prevent a tie from being agreed in some matches. to share the points.
Tie-breaking system (Golaverage)
In the event that two or more teams are tied on points, the order is decided based on the so-called goal average, which is the value obtained by dividing the number of goals scored by the number of goals conceded, this figure representing a factor of success.
If we still have a tie, the goal average of the matches between both teams is checked